¶ Repeat phrases you hear native speakers use
[002] stop translating in your head!
Tip number tow is to repeat the phrases that you hear native speakers use.
So if you're watching this channel for example or you're watching a TV show or a movie. listen for the way that native speakers make those phrases.
If you hear a phrases you have never heard before or you hear an interesting combination of words, try to repeat them yourself, don't just listen, try to save them yourself.
If you're in a public space and it's difficult for you to do that, fine, practice in a place where you feel more comfortable, maybe if you have some private space to practice.
Just repeat them, get your mouth used to saying the words the way that the speaker's, the native speakers do.
So if you never actually say words, if you're only talking in, if you're only listening and you're not actually producing the language, it's kind of hard to practice and to really hone your pronunciation, to improve your pronunciation.
So when you listen to native speakers, try to repeat after them.
for example, if you're studying English, you can try to repeat after this video, you can repeat after the things I'm saying. Becuase maybe i'm using a certain series of vocabulary words together the way a native speaker would.
And it's maybe a good idea to try to practice the ways that native speakers put their words together, So try to repeat after native speakers, especially when you're looking at media, and you can do this when you're reading books too, you can try to read out, read out loud, interesting lines of books that you find, or something that maybe is difficult for you.
Very nice practice tip.
¶ 重复你听到的本土语言表达者说的短语
[002] 培养英语思维,不要在脑海中翻译中文了。 第二个小技巧就是重复本土语言表达者说话时使用的短语。
你如果没有实际说过,如果你只是在talking in
¶ 官方翻译
¶ Repeat phrases you hear native speakers use
¶ 重复你听到的母语人士使用的短语
Tip number tow is to repeat the phrases that you hear native speakers use.
第二招是重复你听到的母语人士[native speakers
So if you're watching this channel for example or you're watching a TV show or a movie.
listen for the way that native speakers make those phrases.
If you hear a phrases you have never heard before or you hear an interesting combination of words,
如果你听到一个你从未听过的短语,或者你听到一个有趣的单词组合[combination of words
try to repeat them yourself, don't just listen, try to save them yourself.
试着自己重复他们,不要只是听,试着自己记住他们[save them yourself
If you're in a public space and it's difficult for you to do that, fine, practice in a place where you feel more comfortable,
maybe if you have some private space to practice.
如果你有私人空间[private space
Just repeat them, get your mouth used to saying the words the way that the speaker's, the native speakers do.
So if you never actually say words, if you're only talking in, if you're only listening and you're not actually producing the language,
如果你从来没有真正说过英语,如果你只是在听,如果你只是在听,而不是在创造语言[producing the language
it's kind of hard to practice and to really hone your pronunciation, to improve your pronunciation.
那你就很难去练习,很难磨练[hone: 训练,磨练
So when you listen to native speakers, try to repeat after them.
for example, if you're studying English, you can try to repeat after this video,
you can repeat after the things I'm saying.
Becuase maybe i'm using a certain series of vocabulary words together the way a native speaker would.
因为也许我在用一个表达,或者我在用一系列[series of
],就像英语母语人士那样。(certain: 某些)
And it's maybe a good idea to try to practice the ways that native speakers put their words together,
So try to repeat after native speakers, especially when you're looking at media,
and you can do this when you're reading books too,
you can try to read out, read out loud, interesting lines of books that you find, or something that maybe is difficult for you.
Very nice practice tip.