¶ Don't bring a dictionary to your lesson.
[005] stop translating in your head!(2020-06-06)
Tip number five is don't bring a dictionary to your lesson. Okay, so give me a second here. So I understand the dictionaries, it was, especially electronic dictionaries, We have them on our phones now, are very convenient. Of course, it's important to use them and they're a great resource to have.
However, one thing that really bothers me and that, I think is detrimental, it's not helpful for students, is when students are in a lesson and they're practicing conversation, and they reach a point in the conversation where they don't know the word, they want to use. They know it in their native language and they don't know how to say it in their target language. They pull out their dictionary, they say to this the person, listening to them, their practice partner in their lesson where they have a limited period of time, just a moment, and then they look it up on their phone, it takes a few seconds the flow of the conversation stops, and then they say a word.
It's like, WOW! NO! that's not, you don't have that ability, you don't have the ability to do that in a conversation with a native speaker.
Most people like if you go to a bank and try to open a back accounnt, are you really gonna pull out your dictionary and sit there, and try to communicate? you know, "just a moment", "just a moment", as you look up each word you don't know? No, or if you do, that's not a real conversation.
So, instead try using a different straregy, by that I mean, if you find a word you don't know in conversation, explain the word to your conversation partner, maybe they know the word.If you're speaking with a native speaker, this is a chance for them to teach you a word.
I find that when people take the time to teach me a word, I remember the word much better than just looking it up on my dictionary.
So try to resist, maybe you can bring a dictionary to your lesson, but don't use it or try not to use it in your conversation practice. It's just, it destroys the flow of a conversation.
So instead, practice the skill of describing the vocabulary word you want to use. and learn how to ask the meaning of a word or learn how to ask for a vocabulary word form your partner.So you can use an expression like, what's the word that means...Or, you know, it's this thing that does this and this and this, So this is an opportunity for you to describe characteristics of something or find a defferent way. You can use your body language, you can use whatever, you have a lot of tools, but try not to use a dictionary, in a conversation, because it's not realistic.
¶ 不要带字典去课堂
[005] 培养英语思维,不要在脑海中翻译中文了。
代替的,练习描述你想使用的字典单词的技巧,学习怎样去询问一个单词的意思或者学习从你的学习伙伴那里询问单词。那样,你就可以使用一个比喻描述,比如这个单词的意思是... 或者说,这是一个什么样什么样的事等。
¶ 官方翻译
¶ Don't bring a dictionary to your lesson.
¶ 上课不要带字典
Tip number five is don't bring a dictionary to your lesson.
Okay, so give me a second here.
So I understand the dictionaries, it was, especially electronic dictionaries,
We have them on our phones now, are very convenient.
Of course, it's important to use them and they're a great resource to have.
However, one thing that really bothers me and that, I think is detrimental, it's not helpful for students,
is when students are in a lesson and they're practicing conversation,
and they reach a point in the conversation where they don't know the word, they want to use.
They know it in their native language and they don't know how to say it in their target language.
They pull out their dictionary, they say to this the person, listening to them,
their practice partner in their lesson where they have a limited period of time, just a moment,
and then they look it up on their phone, it takes a few seconds the flow of the conversation stops, and then they say a word.
It's like, WOW! NO! that's not, you don't have that ability,
you don't have the ability to do that in a conversation with a native speaker.
Most people like if you go to a bank and try to open a back accounnt,
are you really gonna pull out your dictionary and sit there, and try to communicate?
you know, "just a moment", "just a moment", as you look up each word you don't know?
No, or if you do, that's not a real conversation.
So, instead try using a different straregy, by that I mean, if you find a word you don't know in conversation,
explain the word to your conversation partner,maybe they know the word.
If you're speaking with a native speaker, this is a chance for them to teach you a word.
I find that when people take the time to teach me a word, I remember the word much better than just looking it up on my dictionary.
So try to resist, maybe you can bring a dictionary to your lesson,
but don't use it or try not to use it in your conversation practice.
It's just, it destroys the flow of a conversation.
So instead, practice the skill of describing the vocabulary word you want to use.
and learn how to ask the meaning of a word or learn how to ask for a vocabulary word form your partner.
So you can use an expression like, what's the word that means...
Or, you know, it's this thing that does this and this and this,
So this is an opportunity for you to describe characteristics of something or find a defferent way.
You can use your body language, you can use whatever, you have a lot of tools,
but try not to use a dictionary, in a conversation, because it's not realistic.