¶ Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary.
[008] stop translating in your head!(2020-06-13)
The next tip is study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words.
So, yes of course, vocabulary is important, but I find it personally very very useful to look at how a vocabulary word is used in a phrase, because sometimes using it in a phrase helps you understand the nuance of that vocabulary word really really well.
So if I like a word, like "crazy" for example in English, depending on the situation where the word "crazy" is used, it could mean something different. it could mean like a person who is mentally confused or mixed up, it could also mean something really good, it could mean something really bad.
So if we look only at the word "crazy", it's quite difficult to understand really the meaning of the word. But if you look at the way the word is used in a phrase you can get a lot more information.
So take a look at the way people use words in phrases, not just a single vocabulary word. You can learn a lot more that way, I think.
¶ 除了单词之外,还要学习短语
[008] 培养英语思维,不要在脑海中翻译中文了。
¶ 官方翻译
¶ Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary
¶ 不仅要学习单个词汇,还要学习短语
The next tip is study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words.
So, yes of course, vocabulary is important,
but I find it personally very very useful to look at how a vocabulary word is used in a phrase,
because sometimes using it in a phrase helps you understand the nuance of that vocabulary word really really well.
So if I like a word, like "crazy" for example in English, depending on the situation where the word "crazy" is used,
it could mean something different.
it could mean like a person who is mentally confused or mixed up,
)(confuse: 使混乱,使困惑
)(mix up:混淆,拌和
it could also mean something really good, it could mean something really bad.
So if we look only at the word "crazy", it's quite difficult to understand really the meaning of the word.
But if you look at the way the word is used in a phrase you can get a lot more information.
So take a look at the way people use words in phrases, not just a single vocabulary word.
You can learn a lot more that way, I think.