¶ Use a learner's dictionary for new words
[010] stop translating in your head!
The last tips is to use a learner's dictionary for new words.
So in English, there are learners dictionaries avaliable in English. So my personal favorite is Merriam-Webster.
Merriam-Webster is a fantastic dictionary resource, they're so interesting and they have tons of like, historical information. I really do just sit and like read things on the dictionary page, lately it's true.
But of course there's a definition, there's a meaning for words, there are example sentences for words, but Merriam-Webster also has what's called a learner's dictionary. If you find a word that you don't recognize, you can check it in a dictionary in a learner's dictionary, and it gives you a simplified, a simple explanation in simple English of that word.
So instead of checking it in your native language, you can check it in your target language. So again this helps you to understand the word that you are focused on, but you understand it from the language, you're studying not from in your native language.
So using a learner's dictionary can be really really useful as well.
All right, So those are 10 tips. those are 10 tips to help you stop translating in your head.
I know it very difficult, but it takes time and it takes practice, and I hope that these are a few stategies that can help you as you study any language. I hope those are useful for you.
¶ 使用学习者词典来查新单词
[010] 培养英语思维,不要在脑海中翻译中文了。
¶ 官方翻译
¶ Use a leaner's dictionary for new words
¶ 使用学习者词典来查新单词
The last tips is to use a learner's dictionary for new words.
So in English, there are learners dictionaries avaliable in English.
So my personal favorite is Merriam-Webster.
Merriam-Webster is a fantastic dictionary resource, they're so interesting and they have tons of like, historical information.
I really do just sit and like read things on the dictionary page, lately it's true.
But of course there's a definition, there's a meaning for words, there are example sentences for words,
but Merriam-Webster also has what's called a learner's dictionary.
If you find a word that you don't recognize, you can check it in a dictionary in a learner's dictionary,
and it gives you a simplified, a simple explanation in simple English of that word.
So instead of checking it in your native language, you can check it in your target language.
So again this helps you to understand the word that you are focused on,
but you understand it from the language, you're studying not from in your native language.
So using a learner's dictionary can be really really useful as well.
All right, So those are 10 tips. those are 10 tips to help you stop translating in your head.
I know it very difficult, but it takes time and it takes practice,
and I hope that these are a few stategies that can help you as you study any language.
I hope those are useful for you.